What's On
24/7 Tags Need Reactivation
As of noon on Wednesday 1st of June 2022 all 24/7 key tags have been deactivated.
Members that have a 24/7 key tag will have to come into our centre with your 24/7 key tag to get them re-activated.
This is due to a new system being instilled at the Barossa Aquatic Fitness center.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
COVID Update 28th July 2021
Gym/ Group Fitness
Dear Members,
Further to our earlier email today we have been working through what the group fitness timetable will look like for the next week. See attached the Group Fitness timetable starting from tomorrow the 29th July through to Tuesday the 3rd of August. Once we have a clearer understanding on what the next stage of restrictions look like will provide a further update.
In good news we have managed to keep all classes on the timetable except for 2 classes which are:
Spin HIIT will not run on the Monday night
Pack a punch will not be able to run on the Tuesday night.
Key changes to classes will be:
Bike classes will be moved onto the courts and will need to be booked in with 20 spin bikes available. Please ring the centre to book in
All aqua classes must be booked with 12 spaces available in each aqua class. Please ring the centre to book in
An extra gentle aqua class has been scheduled for Friday the 30th of July at 12.30pm
Reminder – Masks will be required in the centre but can be taken off during the class.
We encourage you to find your way back to our classes and hope to see you all soon.
In relation to 24.7 access we are happy to announce that this will be accessible. We do ask that you please follow the normal SA Government Restrictions when using the 24.7 access including wearing your mask into the centre and QR coding in. Please also make sure you bring a towel, your own water bottle and wipe down equipment after use. This will help in making sure we keep everyone safe.
Thankyou to everyone for doing what is best and following these requirements.
Kind Regards
The Rex Team
Swim School
Dear Families,
We would like to let you know that swimming lessons will resume on Thursday the 29th July 2021. We are looking forward to welcoming you all back to the facility, and continuing to offer your child the opportunity to participate in swimming and water safety lessons.
Please note the following guidelines, in line with the State Government Directive, that we will be following as we return:
Please check-in on arrival using the QR code at the entrance to the facility. You will also need to scan your membership tag at reception to register your attendance in the class. A paper check in is available for people who are unable to sign in using the QR reader.
Masks are mandatory in social settings and will be required when you are in the facility or moving around areas. Parents who are in the water with infant lessons will not need to wear a mask in the water but we do ask that all parents social distance during the lesson.
At this time we ask that 1 caregiver per family attend for lessons. When the caregiver is participating in a lesson (in the water) 1 caregiver can remain on the edge. NO other spectators are allowed at this time.
We ask that chairs remain where they are and are not moved around. Bench seating is for 1 family or 2 people. Please maintain social distancing of 1.5m between other people and families.
Showers and change room facilities will be open and available however if it is possible for you to change or shower at home then please do so.
We are encouraging all people to attend for their lesson and to leave after. We kindly ask that you arrive, participate in your class at the designated time and then exit the water so the next class can commence. To keep everyone safe and to allow us to operate within the density requirements we are unable to offer free swimming before or after your lesson. We would ask that you exit the aquatic area once you or your child has completed their lesson.
For infant classes we would ask that you enter the water from the edge of the pool – at the edge closest to your lesson. After the lesson we will then ask you to exit at the ladder or over by the stairs. Any changes to lesson spaces will be communicated when you arrive for your lesson.
On Saturday mornings there will be no public access to the leisure pool from 8.30 till 12pm. This will allow us to meet density requirements and offer a lesson to all students booked on this day.
Lesson payments will resume from the next debit due commencing from Thursday the 29th of July for all families.
We are looking forward to seeing you all back in the water for your lessons. We are currently working through all request and issues that were received while the centre was locked down. Should you have an urgent request or need please contact the centre on 8563 2766 and we will assist you as soon as we can.
Kind Regards
The Rex Team
We Happily accept Companion Card
Companion Card is a card issued to people with a permanent disability who require attendant care support which allows a companion to enter free of charge to participating venues and activities.
The card itself is credit-card size incorporating the same polymer technology used to produce Australian ‘plastic’ bank notes and has a photo identifying the cardholder.
In South Australia the Companion Card is free and is valid for ten years.
Companion Card is a card issued to people with a permanent disability who require attendant care support which allows a companion to enter free of charge to participating venues and activities.
The card itself is credit-card size incorporating the same polymer technology used to produce Australian ‘plastic’ bank notes and has a photo identifying the cardholder.
In South Australia the Companion Card is free and is valid for ten years.